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Case Report
Case 1


71 years old



Post surgery with Pelvic, lymph node, bone metastasis of ovarian cancer


Medical history:

2014.12 Confirm advanced ovarian cancer with ascites

2015.01 Surgery+Chemotherapy→stable

2017.02 Progression→Chemotherapy→stable

2018.10 Progression

2019.01 Enrolled in NK cell therapy (Monotherapy)(Stable/PR/CR> 42 months)

Target lesion 1
right anterior of rectum
Target lesion 2
right paracolic sulcus
Jan 2019
CT enrolled
Jan 2019
Jan 2019
Sep 2019
CT 8 months
after 3 times of therapy
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
Aug 2020

CT 17 months

after 11 times of therapy

Aug 2020
Aug 2020

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